Want to Know What I Did?

Take Advantage of this Great Offer.

Do you miss being symptom free? Do you miss being a part of life? Trust me, I know what it feels like when your body seems to be your worst enemy. When there are days like this, Be Supported should be a welcomed resource for you.

I have another resource for you too that you will not want to miss out on. It has been a HUGE game changer for me.

This is a great offer of $15.00, 25% off the regular price.

In this resource, I share how I have figured out a way to reduce the number of my tough days.


  • Learn How I Think We Are Different.
  • Discover What This Difference Means.
  • Learn How to Work with This Difference to Reduce Symptoms.
  • Learn What Worked for Me.
  • Consider If It Will Work for You.

What if instead of just living with all these symptoms, we could do something now to at least reduce them?

Would it be worth it?

Would it be worth it if it was just 10% better?

For me, it was significantly more than only 10%.

I want to give you hope. I want to share with you a resource I have made which explains how I think we are different. This resource is availabe for you today as an immediate download. If it could make a difference, wouldn't you want to start implementing it right away?


  • Learn How I Think We Are Different.
  • Discover What This Difference Means.
  • Learn How to Work with This Difference to Reduce Symptoms.
  • Learn What Worked for Me.
  • Consider If It Will Work for You.

Stop Letting Life Pass You By.

Be Proactive.

Sometimes it takes time to find a solution for an invisible illness. Or if we already know what it is and it is winning against us, this too is a challenge.

However, what I have found is that I don't have to be better before I start to feel better. Don't get me wrong, this is not a miracle pill I am trying to sell you here. It is an idea of how I think we are different. Fixing this difference put me back in the game. It enabled the methods which were not working for my health to now work. I was able to make progress now!

I learned my body was failing to do something that healthy people's bodies automatically did. No wonder we can't be understood easily; we are different.

We are always at the risk of being mis-understood because we can't MAKE someone understand who can't relate to our daily challenges. We can only do our part.


  • Learn How I Think We Are Different.
  • Discover What This Difference Means.
  • Learn How to Work with This Difference to Reduce Symptoms.
  • Learn What Worked for Me.
  • Consider If It Will Work for You.

Hello, Fellow Spoonie.

For me, during my health decline, I had become so sensitive to so many things, I did not want to go onto more medication. I was given expensive human growth hormone shots four times a week and still rapidly losing ground from a faulty pituitary gland.

Actually, not wanting to go onto more medication isn't entirely the only true reason.

I wasn't only reluctant to take more medication, I was downright scared to.

You see, throughout my high school years, my mom was in very poor health with no diagnosis. She was continually being told it was in her head. After my senior year, she went and had many tests ran on herself. They could find nothing.

Less than two months after all of these tests, she had to go to the emergency room. My dad’s words, “She was acting really weird.” But to confirm it was a stroke, multiple sclerosis, or an NF1 flareup, they ran a test. She had an allergic reaction to the dye and ended up having several strokes. She pulled through after three months of touch and go’s. But she had to eat through a stomach tube for the following two years. She couldn’t talk for another two after that. She never walked again. My mom died at 52.

They were telling me to take the same test my mom took! I didn't want to follow her down the same road. Why wouldn’t I have an allergic reaction. I was becoming allergic to everything!

It wasn’t until later that we found out about Camp Lejeune’s water contamination crisis. She had lived there for three years during this time of toxic waters. She became pregnant with me while there.

Maybe this is why they could not find what was wrong with her?

Maybe this was why they were having trouble helping me too?

This along with many other circumstances forced me to look for answers. Some of these answers I share in SWAYS: Start Winning Against Your Symptoms.

The truth is that there is absolutely nothing I can really do about what happened to me. But another truth is that I didn’t want to just sit around waiting for them to fix me.

Because of this non-waiting period for me, I did learn I could do something about controlling my symptoms.


  • Learn How I Think We Are Different.
  • Discover What This Difference Means.
  • Learn How to Work with This Difference to Reduce Symptoms.
  • Learn What Worked for Me.
  • Consider If It Will Work for You.

What to Do? Control What I Could.

To a certain degree, I learned controlling my environment controlled my symptoms.

I did this for five years trying to buy time. And it did. It bought me time. It bought me enough time to be able to figure out why my pituitary gland wasn’t working and to get it working again.

All my health challenges did not go away with this pituitary problem going away. But what I have learned has enabled me to win my health battles one victory at a time. These victories have built up to the point of knowing I will continue to win against my invisible illness medication-free.

This resource isn’t just a guide to help you to learn how to control your environment. It is a method and a philosophy I used to enable me to be proactive about my symptoms while waiting for my health to improve.

The most incredible thing I discovered was that I didn’t have to be better before I started feeling better. This alone gave me hope and hope is a powerful force.


  • Learn How I Think We Are Different.
  • Discover What This Difference Means.
  • Learn How to Work with This Difference to Reduce Symptoms.
  • Learn What Worked for Me.
  • Consider If It Will Work for You.

I Have a Special Offer for You.

I would like to share with you something I wish someone could have just handed to me. How much time could this have saved me? How many overwhelming exhausting days could I have avoided? I will never know. But if I could help one person, all of my efforts are worth it.

I have created a resource for other Spoonies who would like to take control of what they can. To hopefully help them to have more daily wins than not.

This is a great offer of $15.00, 25% off the regular price.

Time to Change Something!

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

~ Albert Einstein

Hope is powerful. Do we dare hope?

I had lost hope.

I had just figured this is how my body and life will be for now on.

I tried to accept it, but my mother instincts would not let me accept it for my kids. I did not want them to inherit my health. So I searched for different questions and different answers.


I am providing you with a huge detour. A detour which took me almost ten years to understand and create. I am now sharing it with others.

Will it work for everyone? Maybe. Everybody is unique. (I cannot give medical advice. Consult your health professional.)

However, I believe it will help many is why I am sharing my information.

  • I Stopped Feeling Helpless.
  • I Know I Am Being Proactive.
  • I Have Learned A New Concept.
  • I Share the Steps I Took.
  • I Give a Crash Course on My Secret Weapon.
  • I Explain How I Corrected Complications.
  • I Give Guidelines.
  • I Provide Checklists.
  • It Can Be Accomplished at a Slow Pace.
  • And More!

Don't Miss This Great Offer

What is Included.

With S.W.A.Y.S., you'll learn

7 Step Process

  • Introduction to my different school of though
  • Actions I took to overcome my symptoms
  • Hope of not being helpless with my circumstances

My Secret Weapon

  • The importance of It
  • How others use it
  • How I maximized it
  • How I train with it

Actionable Steps

  • Questions to answer
  • Factors to consider
  • Actionable steps to take

Grab Your Offer While You Can